Welcome new users!

This is where things get interesting

Good morning Famous Meme Mappers, hope all is well. Yesterday I shared a couple maps to smaller subreddit on Reddit to get a bit more traction on the site and am pleasantly surprised the results so far. Yesterday there was 58 new users who found the site (through Reddit, or Google) so that's doubled the previous month of traffic since Famous Meme Maps has been available. It's only been a week today since I've shared the site with people outside my friend group and we've had 100 unique users total! It's a small number for a community site like this but we all must start somewhere, it's like a snowball, the more you roll it the bigger it gets (or I'm hoping anyways).

I feel like if we get a sizeable community this site could be something similar to r/place on Reddit (thanks Krish for that comparison, I think it's apt). It would offer a unique way of seeing all the maps transform in real time as users interact and change the outcomes of the maps. I know the Infiniti map I posted yesterday, I was excited when I saw it had changed from all gold. My sister submitted and upvoted "Sled" for Nunavut and now it's currently beating Infiniti for that province. I hope you when you create a meme map you'll find that as it evolves and transforms that you'll feel the same excitement that I did.

In closing I'll leave you a meme I had a traditional memer make for me. It's not an interactive meme map but I'm hoping that it gives you a bit of a chuckle:

A classical meme highlighting big-brain energy from Famous Meme Mappers
A classical meme highlighting big-brain energy from Famous Meme Mappers compared to your regular template memers