Make Interactive Map Info

You will learn to make an interactive map with these helpful instructions. You'll need a Reddit account but you can easily sign up without an email. Once Signed in, you're ready to get started!

Click on any of the images to view a larger version.

Step 1.

The starting form for making an interactive map
1. The starting form for making a map form

This is where the magic begins, choose an area (Canada, US, Europe, etc.) as the basis of your interactive map. You'll be able to customize the attributes on the next page

Step 2.

Map information for a Canada meme map
2. The form for setting up the meme

Now this form looks a bit more complex, but it's almost as easy as the first. Heck all these steps are easy to make interactive meme maps!

Step 3.

Data information for an interactive Canada meme map
3. The form to enter in the meme data

This is where you enter in all your awesome memeing goodness to generate the interactive map. Once you click "Confirm", your map will be ready for you.


Freshest new meme map
4. You're finished and get to look at your new famous meme map!

Create and share all the interactive meme maps you can think of from this one simple tool! You can see how your map evolves and changes based on user votes.