Security woes for Apple

Keeping current is usually the best idea for security minded folk

Famous Meme Maps is a new site and uses new technology, I often tell my friends and family to keep their electronic devices up to date and always be within the serviceable lifetime of your devices. This allows Google or Apple to send updates to your phone which squashes bugs and makes your device better all around, but sometimes being too bleeding edge can come with it's own risks. I just found out today there's a vulnerability for the new M1 Macs that Apple makes. These are mostly their laptops, but I'm not sure if they use M1 CPU in other devices like iPad or desktop, but if so it could be a bad day for Apple. It's nothing too spooky but it's a good reminder to keep your ear to the ground when it comes to your devices. Security vulnerabilities happen every day and while you might not fall victim to such things, it's like anything in life you need to know before you know.

The past couple years with COVID-19, it's taught us that we need to keep a distance from people and be mindful of where we are in proximity to others. We've taken to wearing masks and obsessively clean our hands, we've learned to best protect ourselves as we learn about the potential dangers we can encounter. Our behaviours have shifted and we come to view this as the norm, keeping your electronics up to date is the best advice I can give you and it should help you out 99% of the time. If you encounter malware in the wild your device could do strange things, or even spookier is that it could behave normally but suddenly someone has commandeered your digital self. For some people I know their digital self might be worth more than their physical self, so it's just like you protect yourself from physical illness it's best to be safe and take precautions and be knowledgeable about your digital assets as well.

If you want to learn more about the vulnerability M1 Macs are facing, I'd recommend this video. This channel is very good for security blurbs if you're wondering how and where to start off, it might not be for everyone but I'm sure a few Google searches will help you find your way. Keep your devices secure and sound!