Cleaning up to make room for more interactive maps

Back-end server changes you'll never see or notice

Good morning memers, what's popping? As per the directive of this blog I have yet more technical wizardry to share with the masses. I offloaded all my JavaScript files to a MinIO instance hosted by Stackhero on S3 AWS (Amazon Web Service). In English what that means is it was garbage day and I took all my files and put them out on the curb to be better suited for retrieval, if that makes any sense.

Basically a web-server operates much like your desktop, laptop or mobile phone. It can take input and process data to shoot out a result, usually a website but could also be many other things. Each of these devices has a CPU that handles the calculations and much like us, the humans, CPUs have a finite number of requests that can be processed per second. So to diverge a bit from my garbage day analogy, it's a bit like if your waitress is taking an order at another table and other people start trying to get her/his attention. She/He would no longer be focused on the task of retrieving an order at that table, and might do it less efficiently as they ask you to stop bothering them while they are busy. The waitress might have to interrupt an order to let other people know they need to wait their turn.

So bit of a tangent, but I promise it'll be closed off in this last paragraph. Me offloading my JavaScript files basically means I hired another waitress that's just serving drinks. My main server,, doesn't have to waste time finding and serving these files any longer and now they're on AWS. This allows a bit more breathing room and allocates resources better to serve up the content I want to deliver, instead of the things that make the site tick. This type of strategy is super important for a scalable solution in modern day systems architecture. Resources, servers, and all that jazz should be primarily focused on single use cases so if they receive too much traffic only parts of the site are down instead of the lights going out.

I hope you find this and my other posts enjoyable, feel free to drop me a line if there's something you want to know about!