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Scrolling bar of madness

Click the scrolling title to stop it from scrolling

Happy good night, it's pretty late but thought an update was in order to highlight that I've added a scrolling marquee to the top of the maps. This gives both a more detailed overview of the map also gives a bit more style to the interactive ma...

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Happy Canada Day!

To celebrate the nation I got a new feature to preview

Hey there meme mappers, hope your Canada day is going well. I've had a bit of time today to start working on the UI for a new feature, it brings meme mapping to our known and traditional memes. This new feature will allow you to use existing...

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Bots and bots and bots

It's a robot eat robot world out there

Yesterday I had the day off work and focused most of my time on working on Famous Meme Maps, I wrote an update about the choropleth changes but I also have been noticing bot traffic and spammers crawling the site. This isn't too bad on it's own, it means I'...

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