Choropleth interactive maps are here!

Famous Meme Maps presents choropleth interactive maps

A couple days ago I included a new map type and this won't be the last! I want all your meme mapping to happen on this site, and I'll continue adding meme templates and styles to allow for the best experience in meme mapping you'll ever see. If you're unfamiliar with the term, Wikipedia describes choropleth maps: "is a type of statistical thematic map that uses intensity of color to correspond with an aggregate summary of a geographic characteristic within spatial enumeration units, such as population density or per-capita income.". So what that means is that it's like a heat map, where the legend is two colours and the numbers of each region determines the colour. If I get enough feedback then I might add more colours or more options to the maps.

Below is a screenshot of the first choropleth interactive map created on the site. It's not the greatest but I'm no meme masters like you folk so I don't have the creativity to come up with the content, but hopefully you agree the tools on this site are second to none :).

A picture of Europe with Famous People
Province order by alphabetical index, showing 1-13. Click image to view full screen or click here to view the interactive map
Along with adding choropleth style maps, I've also introduced a type of interactive maps that can't change. They don't allow for voting or submissions so your map will stay as you've created it. They're perfect to visualize some data in a simple and easy fashion, or use it share with all your friends without letting them change it. I'll reiterate that these changes are only the beginning, and Famous Meme Maps is just getting started. The next type of maps will be a "free-form" style map that will allow you to include images and colours along with the text. This will offer a much different experience and a whole wide array of meme maps that you can create and share.