Attributions for Famous Meme Maps

These are the libraries and data sources that helped create Famous Meme Maps

I want to take the time to give spotlight to the fine work of the community that has allowed Famous Meme Maps to be developed in such a quick fashion. The bread and butter of the mapping on this site is by Leaflet, a mapping library that boasts "an open-source JavaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps". It was created by Volodymyr Agafonkin a Ukrainian citizen previously living in Kyiv, so my thanks goes out to him for making an easy API to develop against to create such a platform as Famous Meme Maps. If you enjoy this site please feel free to thank this wonderful man by visiting either Leaflet or his personal site. On Leaflet he has a message to the war in Ukraine and points to some initiatives to support the Ukrainian people, so I'm sure he'd be happy if you'd consider supporting those causes. While Famous Meme Maps tries be apolitical it's never right to invade a sovereign nation for purpose of boarder expansion (Putin has been quoted as comparing himself to Peter the Great). It's up to the readers discretion how they feel about this war and that's not the topic of this post, but I'd like to say thanks to Mr. Agafonkin for providing the basis of this site!

The following are other resources used to help develop this site:

  1. Click that Hood - A map based game that has a public repository for many maps, the majority of maps come from this site repository
  2. D3.js - A charting library to help with making charts, graphs, word clouds and more
  3. Datatables JQuery Plugin - A means of adding advanced interaction to tabular data

With the help of the open-source community Famous Meme Maps is becoming your number one stop to create the interactive and dynamic meme maps! I'd like to thank the all the efforts of everyone to allow me to create such a site. Certainly it goes beyond these hard workers, there have been tens of thousands of people (if not hundreds of millions 😉) who allow me to type this post onto my computer and certainly we should all take some time out of our day to marvel that everything we take for granted was the hard work and collaborative effort. No one is self-made and there's a humbling idea behind that, we have roads and signs along all paths in life and we have our ancestors to thank for making our lives a bit easier with their efforts. My effort is small, it's working towards making a meme mapping site that might save you a few minutes and hopefully give you some enjoyment as you watch your creation transform based on the will of the community.