New choropleth interactive map from Reddit post

Average rent percentage based on income [citation needed]

Hello meme mappers, what's good today? I found a Reddit post last week that seemed to be a good candidate for a non-voteable interactive map to show how much people pay for rent compared to their income. I'm not sure of the data integrity but it's a cool interactive map that highlights how much of average income is being spent on just a place to sleep. I've seen articles more recently that state Canada's housing is now more than USA so if this data is accurate, so this map might be dated. Here's a link to the Reddit post if you want to look at it, it wasn't as popular as the map that inspired me to create this site but it's getting more views than the things I post 😊.

The map posted to Reddit recreated using Famous Meme Maps, Average rent percentage based on income
The map posted to Reddit recreated using Famous Meme Maps, Average rent percentage based on income using an upgraded choropleth interactive map type (it shows numbers instead of text)

This map required some changes to the choropleth interactive map template as it's pre-populated with a numeric value that defaults to "0" for each country/region. Some of the countries on the Reddit post had no data so it was skewing the range on the legend starting from 0-58.8, so I've coded a way to exclude the maps but unfortunately there's no GUI for it yet so it requires me updating the rows with a script. I have an idea how to implement it on the make map page but it requires re-jigging some things that I'm not able to at the moment. That's it for this post, happy meme mapping!